Marketing your Wedding Celebrant business is essential. You’re never going to get found, especially on-line, if you don’t invest time and effort into your marketing. There are many myths about how much presence you need and whether you need to invest in experts to get you results.

Here are six top tips on marketing your wedding celebrant business:

  1. Be clear who you’re marketing to.
  2. Make your marketing all about them, rather than you.
  3. Find out where they spend their time, online and off.
  4. Use your voice – it’s a large part of why they choose you.
  5. Avoid selling, focus on problem solving.
  6. SEO SEO SEO! Because if you build it they are not going to come.

Be clear who you are marketing to

There are lots of ways we talk about who we want to work with; Ideal Client, Target Market, Client Avatar… And what this really comes down to is knowing who you want to work with and then targetting all your marketing only at them. This means no more ‘I can help everyone’ because this will result in you never being found. Being a generalist doesn’t work, especially online, so you need to define who you want to attract.

Make your marketing all about them, rather than you

We tend to write about our services as something we deliver, for example ‘I write bespoke ceremonies’ or ‘I’ll help you create the wedding you’re hoping for.’ The problem with this approach is that it’s about us. People like to read about themselves and how things apply to them. Consider rewording your marketing to reflect this; ‘You’re dreaming of a magical woodland wedding and we’ll create it together’ or ‘Your wedding ceremony will be as unique as you are.’ If you’re keen to connect with clients before their big day, Pinterest could be a major asset. I’ve got a recorded session on this, for just £15 and you can purchase it here.

Find out where they spend their time – online and off

Everyone will tell you that you need to have a consistent presence on social media. And to some extent this is true. However, if you’re not being clear about who you hope to connect with and where they spend their time, it’s a lot of work for minimal return. There is no point posting on Instagram if your ideal clients are on TikTok. Similarly, if the couples you want to connect with adore nature and the outdoors, you’re more likely to find them in a walking group than liking posts on Facebook. Take a look at this post I wrote on how much social media presence is really needed.

Use your voice – it’s a large part of why they chose you

We’re Celebrants. That means we have to speak to the guests invited by our couples. We have to deliver a performance, or sorts. And our voice will be a major part of why they chose us to do this. Use your voice to record blogs and consier starting a Podcast. Being able to hear your voice on your website is a big plus when people are making a decision on who will deliver their ceremony.

Avoid selling – focus on problem solving

Nobody likes to be sold to. We want to know what you can do for us and how you’re going to make our day absolutely amazing. Let your clients know what problems they won’t encounter when they work with you. Show them that you’re a problem solver and that your experience means you’re aware of the possible challenges and pitfalls as they prepare for their day. And that you will be making sure they don’t encounter any with you. Share what your key skills are to give them confidence in you.

SEO, SEO, SEO – because if you build it they are not going to come!

We all hope that once our website is up, and as long as we’re regularly adding to it, people will find us. However, without the right SEO (Search Engine Optomisation) nobody is going to find your website. There are some excellent plug-ins for WordPress sites such as Yoast. These will help, but you do need to understand the principles if you’re planning to do this yourself. I highly recommend Justine Coombs, who is a Celebrant herself and also runs courses for Celebrants on managing and mastering your SEO.

If you’re looking for ways to market your Funeral and Life Celebration work as a Celebrant, take a look at our top tips in this post.