I was impressed by Julia Hawkes, Celebrant, even before I met her. She was authentic in the way she engaged online with others and spoke up in support of things that mattered. When I asked people in our profession who they respected, her name was mentioned often. And when I met her in person, I was delighted to find her as approachable, warm and sincere as I had hoped. She’s a constant inspiration and I was thrilled when she agreed to give me this interview.

How long have you been an Independent Celebrant and what types of ceremony do you offer?

You support Wedding Law Reform. I’d be interested to know what you’re hoping for from the current review that is taking place in the UK.  

You shared a post on Instagram recently that had a big impact on me. It said that you looked forward to a time when we stopped saying ‘gay wedding’ and just said ‘wedding’. Can you tell me about why this matters to you personally and as an Independent Celebrant.

What barriers do you think LGBTQ+ folk still encounter when planning a wedding or other significant ceremony in the UK?

Have you seen change that makes you hopeful for your vision of marriage equality? 

Can you share five things about Julia, that will give us an idea of who you are and what you love?

“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter “

What are you currently reading?

Favourite book and why?

What would you tell teenage Julia?

What do you love most about your role as a celebrant?

How to connect with Julia Hawkes Celebrant:



Facebook page

Her AOIC listing

Thank you to Julia Hawkes Celebrant for her time.