6 key marketing tips for Wedding Celebrants

How much Social Media presence is enough?

My social media presence was not playing a key part in attracting visitors to my website. Indeed, at that time only around 5% of the traffic was coming from social media. So what was I doing wrong? I believed I was following the advice of the ‘Experts’ I had followed. The training sessions had all suggested a similar approach and I was using it to the letter. Why was my social media presence not generating the results I was hoping for?

Pinterest for Celebrants

Pinterest for Celebrants

Did you know that 40 million people incorporate Pinterest into their wedding planning each year? Pinners save over 900 million wedding-related Pins annually and conduct 378 million wedding-related searches. If you’re not there, how do you expect them to find you?

Stop your imposter stopping you!

Stop your imposter stopping you!

If you’re ready to challenge the voice in your head that keeps telling you that you ‘can’t!’ This 30 minute webinar is for you. Stop your Imposter from stopping you – from taking chances or going for that opportunity. Stopping you from being all you know you can be. Aren’t you ready to start telling yourself a new story?